Tuesday, April 26, 2005

In my culture, rabbits are a delicacy

Those of you reading this from afar may have heard we had snow these past few days. It actually stuck around for four days.

I worry for my Japanese maple, which is a bit of a finicky plant, particulary when it is budding. But my spring bulb flowers are doing alright.

Until I noticed some leaves that were broken off.

And then a whole side of a hyacinthe just about to fully bloom.

Damn, I thought. I have rabbits at the new house! We had an awful time at the last house with those pests. Once my daughter tended to this sweet pink tuberous begonia for a little less than a week when she went out one morning to find it nibbled all the way to the ground. A rabbit was nearby, licking its paws. I half expected that bugger to belch or fart his gratitude for the fine meal.

Then, the next day, I caught Baby Boy plucking a hyacinthe bud right off. And he had another bud in his other hand.

And he laughed at me.

No actual rabbits were harmed in this game. My high score was 330.

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