Thursday, September 29, 2005

Babies having babies

I was at the gym and overheard a woman talk about a relative of hers who is having a 13.

Thirteen? That's like a baby having a baby! Can the body of a 13-year-old even manage to carry a child, I wonder?

My goodness, when I was 13, I was still in Jenny Meehan's family room with my middle sister and the three of us were making our "comedy tapes." We were watching daytime reruns of Saturday Night Live and wanted to make a show of our own on Jenny's tape recorder. We parodied commercials; we came up with skits (I fondly remembered the one of a pride of lions feasting on Placenta Helper); we had recurring characters like Mrs. Robisnotski; we were our own musical guests.

When I was volunteering at a birth control centre out west, I once had to assist on a pregnancy test for a 12-year-old. Thankfully, it was negative, but the child was, I truly believed, a prostitute or in some really sick situation, so who knows what happened to her.

And just yesterday, Daughter made an out-of-the blue announcement that almost every girl in the class in liked by at least one boy. She has one, who is really more like a best friend and I like it that way thanks, but all the boys have a crush on Nicole. Then she states, "I think boys like blond girls better." Daughter is a brunette. Yeah, I stopped folding laundry and Husband turned off the Golf Channel and we had a nice chat with her.

I should show her how to use a tape recorder.

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