Friday, March 04, 2005

When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best...or was just really meaning to

I'm such an idiot. I have been meaning to send a sympathy card to my mum's friend whose husband died. The guy passed on last Thursday. Mind you, if you know my mother, you won't be surprised to hear that she only just told me on Tuesday. What WILL surprise you is that I was NOT the last to know this time.

Why is it that I can remember all sorts of dumb trivia but I forget things like this, and when it is my kids' library days at their school, and to buy diapers.

I gotta chillax, as my brother-in-law says. I need to watch "Joy of Painting" with Bob Ross. I don't think it's on anymore but when I was waaaay too stressed out at this one particular office job I had, I used to come home, watch Bob and just zone out.

Do you know who Bob Ross was? He would do an entire landscape theme in, like, 25 minutes and the whole time his calm voice was talking about "happy little clouds" and "dancing evergreens, swaying with the gentle breeze." I swear, his show was like Gravol to me. If I could be any more relaxed, I would need Depends.

Bob Ross died in his 50s. How long will you live?

1 other lazy people left a message:

dialves said...

Ha Ha Jen..i remember who Bob Ross was. I used to watch him as well on the weekends as a kid..and was amazed that he could whip up a painting so easy and fast...kind of inspiring!!

and you are probably wondering who the heck I am. LOL...I am Juli's friend Diana. I live in Ingersoll and have two boys with autism. Juli shared your link with me..and I have been reading on occasion. I think you and I will get along just fine when we eventually meet!

keep up the posting..very funny stuff and great links!


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