Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Not so Good Friday

"Daddy's making this BAD Friday."

And so began our blessed Easter weekend. My Charming Husband took the day off on Friday (why, oh why wasn't there a lot of backlogged work for him to do?) and decided to do one of his famous purges. I tried to keep up, watching where he was putting everything but I also had to care for the kids so I honestly don't know where he put half our stuff.

Seriously, where are all the splash pants? Dammit, it's spring!

It really is spring, finally. Break out the immature t-shirts.

Oh, and he did laundry, washing all kinds of things like my reserve bag of winter accessories. I don't know how he does it, but everytime that guy goes near the washer and dryer, he manages to ruin at least four articles of clothing. A real bummer, he really fricked up Baby Boy's wicked cool winter hat that made him look like he had a blue mohawk. Now the faux fur is matted like shearling. Uck.

Then he goes shopping and buys a new air conditioner for the attic ("But this one is also a fan AND a dehumidifier" so read expensive) and a new bag for his golf clubs. There wasn't anything wrong with his old one but he said this one was more comfortable (so read expensive). I swear, I was hesitant about buying this very cool skirt at Old Navy for $32, but I hardly ever like paying full price for anything. This is especially the case at stores where I know the mark-up is huge.

Easter was nice. My cousin and her two boys came over, along with my folks, my baby sister and, later, my middle sister and her family. We had way too much food, all good, and the kids all got along well enough (save from a misunderstanding between Middle Child and my sister's middle child that resulted in a scratch across my nephew's face that, had he been bald, would have made him a dead ringer for Dr. Evil).

I've always enjoyed my cousin's company and I was her eldest's nanny (sort of) for a year so he'll always hold a special place in my heart. You just can't wipe someone's ass and not feel tied to them in some way, you know? My aunt had passed away last summer so this family would have probably been alone for Easter. I'm so glad they were invited (or they asked to come, I'm not sure but it really doesn't matter because it was a great idea). I was initially worried they'd feel like the black woman on The Bachelor, there because it was what was expected. But they're such a cool family and we grew up in an absurdly close extended family. I know they felt at home.

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