Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fight the Power!

I went for a check-up this week. I'm fighting genetics, people. I'm fighting hard.

I am at the gym five fricking times a week. I do nearly two hours of cardio in those five days, as well as muscle conditioning. Yet I still look pregnant. I've lowered my cholesterol, but not nearly what it should be due to the exercising and taking those awful salmon oil pills.

Many, many tell me that I am the spitting image of my paternal grandmother, which is true. Of all her bajillion grandchildren, I took after her the most. And she was obese. Funny, though, I have no recollection of her eating. Ever. Cooking? yes. Drinking coffee? Yes. Eating? No. And Nanna had loooots of heart trouble. As does my dad (not nearly as much as she did, but enough to say he has heart disease).

Anyway, that visit made me even more determined to spend my Good Friday morning at the gym. I completed that 90-minute exercise class (props to Jules) and will be starting a new diet on Monday (more fish, less meat and no junk food until Sunday). It will be just in time for the vacation. If you have any words of advice, please comment below or email me.

1 other lazy people left a message:

Slowplum said...

let me know if you need fish recipes ;)

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