Friday, August 25, 2006

She's Crafty!

Originally uploaded by Nimcheena.
It was one of those projects that I meant to do earlier but life got in the way.

When Daughter got her "big girl bed", which was mine when I was young, we bought her a new canopy and comforter. It is purple with lilac and pink daisies bordering the Barbie dream house.

She's still young enough to enjoy it but I thought I'd make her summer bedding; one that will grow with her.

This was a quilt cover from the Sears catalogue which I cut up entirely and sized to fit. I also got a groovy curtain panel that would be complementary. My mum and I ripped apart the panel and made a roman blind, lined of course, and a pillow with sequin detail.

We'll be painting soon, too. But I first have to finish painting all the trim in the house - a job that turned out much bigger than I anticipated.

Now if only we could get Daughter to clean the room.

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