Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'll Pass on That Steak For Now, Thanks.

Guess what movie we saw on Friday?

I think Middle Child drew an excellent Captain Jack Sparrow. He also drew a ton of skeletons.

It was practice for seeing the Body World exhibit at the Ontario Science Centre on Saturday with Baby Sister and her boyfriend. Middle Child couldn't have been keener. He wanted to see everything and wanted me to read every sign that accompanied the displays. There were tons of medical people visiting and a handful of them would interrupt us and answer Middle Child's questions (thank you ENT doctor from Buffalo, NY and the angioplasty nurse from McMaster-Chedoke Hospital in Hamilton).

He got to hold an adult brain as well as two livers (one diseased and one healthy). He had no qualms about viewing the pregnant woman display but had more interest in the embryos from weeks four to eight (thank you U of T medical student for the quick run-down on the neurological developments at each stage).

Daughter, on the other hand, got freaked out and left with Baby Sister. I had her calmed down initially, but other people's comments were sinking in to her and she started to walk around with her eyes shut, humming to herself.

She had the best time at every other part of the Science Centre - "That was funner than Wonderland!" - but in the car, she started to worry. "Does this mean I don't want to be a doctor?" We assured her that she has lots of time to decide what she wants to do when she's a grown-up and that, maybe in time, seeing real bones and organs won't disturb her any more. She said she was used to seeing these things covered in blood, like they're shown on TV, "but here they looked like zombie meat."

I didn't have the opportunity to get Baby Sister's boyfriend's take on it. He was a butcher.

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