Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hot monkey love

Can't sleep. Too hot. And this room smells like Chapters with that mix of paperie and ground coffee. Don't know why, though.

Daughter had a field trip to African Lion Safari yesterday. Nothing like riding on a school bus for hours in a heatwave. And then, they stay on the bus while they drive through the zoo, letting monkeys climb all over. I'm told the kids loved it.

Apparantly, the driver inadvertantly left his window open and a monkey got in. I would just freak right out if that happened to me...but it wouldn't! Hello, guy. Though I appreciate the fact that the bus is hot, think about it: open window + monkeys = not good.

Thankfully, there was a splash park. It was about 30˙C and then something worse with the humidex. Initially, I was worried about the actual travel to the park (field trips just aren't the same after "The Sweet Hereafter". Damn you, Atom Egoyan). As the day wore on, I was just praying that Daughter was wearing her hat and drinking enough fluids.

She had to be at school by 7:45 (which was a major undertaking because it also meant that I had to get the boys ready too). They returned at 4:30. A long day, to be sure. Daughter ended up sleeping the whole way back.

There are better places to sleep in public. My middle sister, Charming Husband and I had to sleep once at YVR once. Long story. Husband's fault. The description of the Victoria, British Columbia airport is bang-on.

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