Tuesday, May 24, 2005

May two-four and no beer was ingested

My Charming Husband didn't leave me for his mistress Big Bertha Saturday after all. He spent the morning cleaning the kitchen and the attic while I worked a little on his loudmouth golf pants.

Then we took the kids to the beach.

We love Lake Huron; the vastness is astounding. I can't vouch for other parts of the lake but the beaches we go to have clear blue water. The only problem is that you never know what the shoreline is going to be like from year to year. Once the winter melts, is it a sandy beach or a rocky beach? This year, it looks pretty rocky, which made Baby Boy reeeallly happy. He spent about an hour throwing rocks in. The other kids went in and out of the water, collecting stones to paint and looking for fossils.

But then I was a golf widow on Sunday.

My baby sister came over for a visit, but mostly to see Revenge of the Sith. (My review? Great movie. Too bad we had to suffer through the first two to get to this one. Oh, and sooo not for little kids. There were children as young as 4 in the theatre but I wouldn't show anyone under 10 this movie). Baby Sister wanted to see the last Star Wars movie with someone she saw the first one with. And I was grateful because I still had a few questions after the movie, and she was a little more alert than I was.

If there's anything Star Warsian you've wondered about, it gets answered in Sith, but often in just one sentence, so you really need to be attentive. Why did Obi Wan practically allow Darth Vader to kill him in A New Hope? Answered. If C3PO was in all six movies, why does he have no memory of the beginnings of Anakin Skywalker? Answered. The only question I had left unanswered really was why did they bother putting in Chewbacca in Sith? Wookies, fine, but why Chewbacca specifically?

It probably has everything to do with merchandising. Even Baby Boy enjoys Chewbacca. He has this song he sings like a litany. It's the "I Love..." song where he just names all the people he loves. And he does sing "I love Chewbacca" somewhere after "I love Granny."

Star Wars toys that never were. But I think Bike Buddy Kenobi is a million dollar idea. Has sound.

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