Friday, May 06, 2005

Five dollar ralph

I took Middle Child grocery shopping yesterday. It was really sweet because we seldom ever get to do anything just him and me, you know?

Of course, I'd be tempting fate bringing any kid grocery shopping, what with the "buy me this" and "buy me that."

However, Middle Child is, well, a unique piece of work. He nearly had a fit when he saw apricots, jumped up and down over applesauce and, amid all the chocolate covered whatever in the bulk section, he begged me for banana chips.

He also implored me to buy blackberries. I swear, there was only about 30 in the container and they wanted $4.99. Man, I remember living out west and filling up buckets and buckets from bushes off the side of the road - but only once a year. You could do it every day for months and months if you wanted, they're so abundant.

Anyway, bought the blackberries. Took them home and washed them because the kids wanted them as their "Survivor" treat (yes, it's the one day a week we let them stay up). Baby Boy started getting really territorial about them and just pounded them back two at a time.

While my husband was upstairs on toothbrush patrol, I had Baby Boy on my lap while I flicked the channels. "My tummy hurts. Put cream on it," the little guy cried. So I did. And then he barfed blackberries and organic homo milk all over me. Lovely.

And a happy mother's day to you all.

Check out this Swedish guy's magnificent collection of airline barf bags. A fine lesson in good graphic design AND geography!

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