Monday, September 03, 2007

Baby's Got Back

Husband came home from a two week visit to his family and friends out west. He had a great time, as I knew he would.

He spent the bulk of his time with his middle brother and his family. Taught the nephews that in his world, it's perfectly acceptable to eat salt and vinegar chips for breakfast. And, as is the case after every visit with Middle Brother, Husband is on a new health food kick: smoothies. The blender hasn't seen so much work. But when you're drinking about five of them a day at the expense of chewable food, doesn't that negate the nutrition? I mean, surely you can't live on fruit and yogurt alone. But the man is also a stick. Why I married a man with a smaller ass than mine is beyond me.

Ah, but my said ass is shrinking. I went shopping for myself while Husband was gone (see? I held it together) and I have lost two pant sizes. I'm sure if I could leave Le Tigre Giant without a 44 cent chocolate bar, I would have the body of Kate Moss – with D cups and a c-section scar.

Even my former personal trainer noticed. I haven't seen him in about 18 months when my contract ran out and I switched to verrrrry early morning classes at the gym. My friend Jools thankfully took care of my kids while I went this one afternoon. I was bending over, tying my shoe, when he said, "Wow! You look great, Jen. Your whole body shape changed." I mean, the whole thing sounded like a porn script, but I took it for what it was and felt wonderful. And I don't think it was the new workout gear I bought. It wasn't expensive.

Meanwhile, Husband got in visits to old high school friends, his mother, his youngest brother and his father who is in the hospital after falling awkwardly and breaking his ankle. Being paralyzed for years, the guy is stuck in the hospital for months now. Husband initially thought this was going to be a great for him health-wise but apparently he still gets out to smoke as often as he can. He even has someone bringing him Big Macs and fries on a regular basis. And the man will outlive us all.

Husband must have had a nice visit because he still tells me stories of what happened. I just told him that the kids all stepped up to the plate and really helped out around the house. Daughter's room still looks like Dresden after the bombs. Middle Child broke a few glasses. Baby Boy decorated the side fences with sidewalk chalk (we need a big rain). But I painted another floor's worth of our ornate trim, which is no small feat when you live in a Queen Anne revival.

On another note, Husband's dad was to fly out a little while ago but couldn't make the flight since he was in the hospital. One great side of being a Junior, Husband was given his ticket because, well, it's in his name. He has a year to use it, should he want to go to Winnipeg. Um, yeah.

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