Wednesday, February 21, 2007


My friend Jules tagged me. I am to write six weird things about myself. But weird is relative, I'm sure. Anyway, here goes:

1. Since getting pregnant with my last child, I can't seem to sleep in. Stranger still, without fail, I will wake up around 5:20 (give or take 10 minutes). And, no, he wasn't born at 5:20.

2. I Google Earth friends' and relatives' houses. That's more creepy than weird, I know.

3. I was stalked for a few months, but in a heart-sick way. He didn't do anything mean, but he would leave things of his behind so I would know he was there. What is weird is that I kept the stuff because they were useful.

4. I don't think it's weird, but lots of people do: I go to the gym at the crack of dawn four days of the week to attend the 6:15 classes. Sometimes I'm there at 5:30 so I can get some extra cardio time. What I think is weird about this is that I still look pregnant.

5. I carry a pen or Sharpie with me at all times to correct public spelling and grammatical errors. I also carry a digital camera to photograph offenses to the English language. It's not Bridget Jone's Diary, people!

6. I shudder every single time I cross train tracks in the car. Some tracks are worse than others.

Now I have to tag six people: Baby Sister, Middle Sister, Purple Grape, the artist formerly known as Sunshine, my favourite sister-in-law and Slowplum. You can either post here in my comments section (sign in as "Anonymous") or just email me back, should you choose to admit to your inner weirdo. Slowplum, you can post on your own blog, chickie.

2 other lazy people left a message:

Anonymous said...

I'm a Weirdo too!

1. I have recently developed a passion for Country music.

2. I let my youngest suck on the mustard bottle.

3. I consider Baby Wipes the ultimate all-purpose household cleaner.

4. I can't stand my little sister, but I keep insisting we spend more time together.

5. I'm a vegetarian. I eat meat on the sly. There! I said it! Go ahead and judge me! (Just don't tell my husband.)

6. I do not own one single piece of clothing that flatters me. I'm not kidding, please sign me up for What Not To Wear.

Hey, at least I don't believe in effin' Fairies.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's mine, although I'm not sure how weird they are.

1) I love my cat even though she bites and scratches me.

2) I went to the WWE Superstore, Castle Dracula, the Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum and the Clifton Hill Midway prior to getting ready for my wedding day (and I'm a chick).

3) I just referred to myself as a chick

4) I'm totally obsessed with having a completely neat, tidy and clean desk at work yet my home is messy and unorganized (and I don't have children to blame that on... but I do blame the cat).

5) When other 12 year olds at my school were totally into listening to Wham I was buying up all the old Monkees records that I could find. A side story to this is I have now crossed paths with Mickey Dolenz 3 times since that time in my life.

6) When I was a child I would pray that I would somehow break my leg because I thought it would be neat to wear a cast. I've never told anyone about this one until now.

Baby Sister

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