Saturday, June 24, 2006

Two Full Bowls of Chips and a Burning Question

Middle Child had birthday-o-rama. He got his extended family party. Then the immediate family celebrated it on the actual birthday. Today, he had a few friends over to see a movie and then back to the house for barbecue (no one ate), chips (no one ate), fruit (no one ate), and cake (pretty much everyone just licked the icing).

My mum stayed the whole week with us. It was great having her around, even just to pick up the kids from school. She took each kid out individually, which they loved.

She got to see Baby Boy's year-end extravaganza at his school. He spotted us right away and looked happy and all. We were right in the front row, so he couldn't miss. But then he noticed the many, many other grown-ups in the gym and was like a deer in the headlights up there on stage.

All in all, I think the week took a lot out of her. The kids wouldn't leave her alone and her back was acting up quite a bit, particularly in the morning. The doctors still don't know what it is. Getting older sucks, it seems.

And for all of you who know my mother, yes, I cooked fish on Friday. I made a rather nice grilled mahi mahi with homemade parmesan fries and berries for dessert.

What is the protocol if someone sends you an email (obviously personal) in error? I get this a lot. Post what you do, should it happen to you. Please.

3 other lazy people left a message:

Slowplum said...

depends on if i know the persons involved or not, and how "personal" the information is... I've sometimes received personal emails in error from people I'd never heard of, in which case I fire one back stating they must be mistaken, etc. and then block them. If its someone I know, to someone I know or don't know, and it isn't too personal, I will tell them in person, as a courtesy, off handed like. If it's the type of thing that might be embarrassing, I don't know what I'd do - I think it would depend on what's being said really. probably just delete the thing or email back a short line.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't reply. They'll get the picture. If they really want to communicate with the intended recipient, they would call sooner or later.

Too many weird-o's out there in cyberspace. I don't give out any information at all.

Jen said...

True, Anonymous, one may call or, in my case, INTEND to call but then life gets in the way.

I really am too lazy to call. Mostly. Surely, I'm not alone.

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