Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sometimes, You Have To Be Your Child's Best Friend

All this week, Middle Child hasn't wanted to go to school.

This is odd behaviour because the kid just loves learning. He has a crackerjack teacher, a nice bunch of kids in his class, and it's time away from his brother.

After many talks and some coaxing, I think the problem is that he feels he doesn't fit in. This was a problem last year, too. I volunteer to help in his classroom and I can see that he is friendly and other kids are friendly with him. The teacher is well aware of my concern and has gone above and beyond to foster friendships.

Then it all clicked yesterday.

The little girl I babysit was over yesterday afternoon. She's in Middle Child's class and they get along great. Part of the reason why I agreed to look after her was to help out her mother, a widow, but also to have a regular playdate for my kid. Anyway, she innocently asked me if Middle Child was going to Mackenzie's bowling birthday party on Saturday. Ugh, I thought. He wasn't even invited. The kicker is that he considered Mackenzie to be his closest school friend. I guess it was only going one way!

It has to be difficult for Middle Child. He isn't interested in sports, particularly team sports (which sucks because every single boy in his class plays hockey). He's very bright and in many cases is head and shoulders above the other kids in his class (mind you, the teacher discreetly gives him more challenging work). His interests aren't typical of kids his age. It's no wonder that by third recess, he's seeking out kids in Daughter's class.

I suggested that he should approach it from another direction; maybe try playing with the aforementioned girl. But he said she's different at school; that she doesn't want to be seen playing with a boy.

I am open to suggestions.

Right now, I'm just going to hug the little guy.

1 other lazy people left a message:

Slowplum said...

Jeepers lady I wish I knew what to say but I'm having those issues myself this year... *sigh* I had a big rant to post about it but then I realized a lot of it was just pettiness on my part so I deleted the post. But truly I know EXACTLY what you mean...

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