Monday, May 11, 2009

Pox On You!

Tucking Middle Child in on Saturday night, I noticed that he was still wearing his dirty socks.

I pried them off his feet and noticed he had some blemishes. I lifted his pajama pant leg to see a few more. Lifted his top to check out his belly. Blisters. Yup. He has the chicken pox.

He went to bed happy, knowing that he'll be missing school for a bit. What I didn't dwell on is that it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Sure enough, he woke up with marks all over his face, clusters in crevices like his underarms. I may have been better off just pouring the bottle of calamine lotion on his back like I was marinating a flank steak. Today, he has pox on his eyelids, inside his nose and ears. He must have one in his mouth because he screamed when he drank his orange juice this morning.

This didn't deter Daughter from begging Middle Child to cough on her.

1 other lazy people left a message:

Slowplum said...

That Aveeno anti-itch lotion really helps, if the calamine isn't working. Poor kid. I'm trying to figure out how your kids didn't end up getting it a year or so back when mine did, considering how often they were in contact.

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