Monday, July 03, 2006

Birthdays are a Drag When You Get Older

Belated wishes for a happy Canada Day to you all.

My day started with the usual watering of the garden, thanks to my very cool and city-subsidized rain barrel. It was then that I noticed some jackass broke off my flag off the door window of my car.

Then my dad called to say, essentially, that we live in the best country in the world. I didn't feel like agreeing at that moment.

The day turned out well though. The family went to Middle Sister's house for a swim and a barbecue. If anything, my sister makes incredible salads. My contribution was a paltry cake made with whipped cream and strawberries shaped like the flag. The kids thought it looked incredible and they actually ate it all.

We went home, caught up with friends and watched the fireworks show. It was at a field that was maybe a 25 minute walk, but figuring it would end sometime after 10, we thought the kids would be too tired, so we drove the car to the half-way mark. As the show ended, another show of thunder and lightning began and down came buckets of rain.

Husband went to work on Sunday and found that the upstairs tenant of the building we bought was giving us 60 days notice. She gave us the name of her sister who would be interested in moving in. We'll see if she still wants to when we tell her I want to up the rent. Currently, the two floor (second and attic), two bedroom apartment, with all utilities included is being rented for $700 a month. I don't think we paid too much for the place - frankly, Husband and I think we got a deal - but with mortgage payments and hydro rates being what they are, we may need to look at that rent.

It's bloody hot and I'm having a fat day. Although I got three pairs of shoes today (one from my birthday money and two a birthday gift), I'm not feeling better. But, hey, I got a loot bag after Canada's birthday: one per cent less on GST AND I get some extra baby bonus money. Just like that cake I ate on Saturday that I'm blaming my fat day on, I feel like I'll be paying for the Harper treats later.

P.S. Got to see Oliver! with my friend, The Saddest Girl To Ever Hold a Martini. It was good, but it was better because I got free tickets!

1 other lazy people left a message:

Slowplum said...

Happy borthday! (belated though it is) I didn't realize you were a July baby...

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