Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Jen Day

I had my first professional massage today. The kids gave me a gift certificate for a 45 minute massage with hot tub therapy and a paraffin wax treatment for Mother's Day last year. Kinda odd that Husband would buy this considering he won't so much as rub my feet. I put it on top of the fridge and forgot about it until I was doing some spring cleaning earlier this month. Oops.

Anyway, it was pretty neat. When the therapist had ushered me to the change room, she asked what results I would like to have. I replied, "If we're talking miracles, massage away about 20 lbs." Seriously, I didn't know what to expect. I was mostly there because it was time to myself.

Mind you, I wish I brought a book for the hot tub part. Nice and all, but kind of boring. I'm such an ingrate.

Afterwards, I bought myself some shoes. I contemplated getting some kitten-heeled thong sandals but, hey, who are we kidding? How can I run after Baby Boy at the park when my ankles are flopping all over the place and my heels are sinking in the dirt?

My friend Jules sent this link today. It reminds me of my father-in-law who, at last check, makes a full pot of coffee and microwaves a cup at a time, sometimes days apart. And if you knew Bobzilla, this link would explain a whole lot.

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