Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I took my little comic book geeks to see Iron Man yesterday (that would be Daughter and Middle Child; not the biggest comic geek in the house. He stayed home with sick Baby Boy).

I really enjoyed it, but I've always liked flawed characters. Tony Stark (Iron Man) was an alcoholic in the comic books, so when I heard Robert Downey Jr. was cast, I've been looking forward to the movie ever since. I'm such an 80s girl – I love Robert Downey Jr.

Sure, there was a lot of explosions. Yeah, people got hurt (but, perhaps taking a page from Wile E. Coyote, there was very little blood). I'm sure the kids aren't scarred for life.

But how much of a Silver Snail Weiner is Middle Child, you ask? He spotted Stan Lee in a cameo appearance as Hugh Hefner. He knew Obidiah was going to be the foil. And he predicted, "because it's a Marvel movie", that there would be a throw to another movie while the credits rolled. Sure enough, the theatre was almost emptied and the credits were about half-way through when there was one extra scene hinting that, yes, we'll be seeing Iron Man again.

Middle Child walked out of that theatre very full of himself.

Daughter was happy because I told her it was a "grown-up movie."

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